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46th Reunión Anual NAPPO 2023

5 05America/Mazatlan diciembre 05America/Mazatlan 2023 @ 8:00 am - 7 07America/Mazatlan diciembre 07America/Mazatlan 2023 @ 5:00 pm

Welcome to the 46th NAPPO ANNUAL MEETING!
The North American Plant Protection Organization (NAPPO) and the National Plant Protection Organization (NPPO) of Mexico – Dirección General de Sanidad Vegetal del Senasica-Sader – cordially invite you to attend/participate in the 46 th NAPPO Annual Meeting. The meeting will be held December 4-7, 2023, in the White City (Ciudad Blanca), the beautiful and historic city of Mérida.

Mérida is the capital city of the Mexican State of Yucatán, and the largest city in southeastern Mexico. It is located about 22 miles (35 km) inland from the coast of the Gulf of Mexico. As the state and regional capital, Mérida is a cultural center, featuring multiple museums, art galleries, restaurants, and shops. Mérida retains an abundance of historic and restored colonial buildings. Music and dance play an important role in day-to-day life. Mérida is considered the safest city in Mexico. The area features a tropical savanna climate with December average temperatures fluctuating between 87.1-63.5 degrees
Fahrenheit (30.6-17.5 degrees Celsius).

The meeting will kick off with a welcome reception on the evening of Dec. 4. In addition to NAPPO member country government and industry updates, several invited knowledge topic presentations, and updates on NAPPO projects under development, the meeting will feature a one-day symposium on International and Regional Phytosanitary Issues that impact the NAPPO region. The meeting will feature a one-day symposium on International and Regional Phytosanitary Issues that impact the NAPPO region. The global implementation of the 2020-2030 International Plant Protection Convention Strategic Framework will be the focus of Section 1 of the symposium. Section 2 will focus on pests of concern or emerging pests in
the NAPPO region. Subject-matter experts will answer questions concerning each pest and will provide the latest information for each pest. After each Section, symposium participants will break out into small groups to address specific questions and collect insights and perspectives that will be presented back to the plenary.


5 05America/Mazatlan diciembre 05America/Mazatlan 2023 @ 8:00 am
7 07America/Mazatlan diciembre 07America/Mazatlan 2023 @ 5:00 pm
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Mérida, Yucatán, México
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